During a normal day we laugh, cry, smile, frown, and face many actions and life experiences that make us feel and express our feelings in many ways. After an amount of years and a lot of experiences, our body starts to show how these years affected us. Wrinkles could be caused by many different things such as facial expressions, genes, stress, lifestyle, and more.
People usually start panicking as soon as they see the first wrinkle on their face. Luckily, science has developed to find solutions for aging problems. Dermal fillers are one of the most popular solutions for wrinkles, they have been in use for many years, yet there is so much to know about fillers, their uses, pros and cons, and more.
What Are Dermal Fillers?

Dermal fillers, also known as injectable fillers, facial fillers, and soft tissue fillers. Dermal fillers are a soft, gel-like material injected into many layers of skin to help remove wrinkles, give more volume, and provide a smoother appearance.
Fillers could be made of sugar molecules, a mix of hyaluronic acids and collagen, the person’s own transplanted fat, or biosynthetic polymers. Each of these substances has its own pros and cons.
What Cases Require Dermal Fillers?
Dermal fillers have many types that work for different cases. Depending on the needs, dermal fillers can correct many cases:
● Lips filler can be used for thin lips to plump them into a better look.
● Facial fillers can be used for shallow areas.
● Eye fillers can be used to remove shadow or wrinkles under the eye.
● Fillers can be used to soften the shape of scars.
● Fillers can be used to soften wrinkles.
In general, fillers are used to enhance the appearance of skin to make it look young and fresh.
How to Know What Dermal Fillers to Use?

There are many different types of fillers that are used under a set of circumstances. The most common types are:
● Calcium Hydroxylapatite: Calcium hydroxylapatite is naturally found in the human bones. It is used to heal moderate to severe cases, cheeks fillers, and to cure facial wasting. Calcium hydroxylapatite is a biosynthetic substance, this means there is a better chance to not have an allergic reaction and the result will look more natural.
● Hyaluronic Acid: It is a natural substance found in your body, which helps with solving many skin problems such as acne scars, cheek depressions, eye wrinkles, forehead wrinkles, burn scars, and much more. It can also be used to help with medical cases such as arthritis.
● Polyalkylimide: It is a semi-permanent dermal filler that is usually used to help in treating deep wrinkles, plumping thin lips, lifting cheekbones and jawline, and treating facial wasting caused by HIV medications.
● Polylactic Acid: This is a non-toxic stimulator that causes your body to produce collagen when injected. Polylactic acid works better when injected into the lower half of the face, and is used usually to fill laugh lines, plump the lips, and treat deep smile lines.
In general, fillers could be used for many different reasons. You can always ask your dermatologist for advice before deciding to go with fillers.
For How Long Would the Results Last?

Just like any other skin care treatment, fillers’ results will vary from one
person to another. However, dermatologists confirm that some types of fillers can last for 6 to 12 months, while other types can last for two to five years.
There are many factors that can affect fillers longevity besides the type of fillers you are using. These factors include the amount of injected fillers, the place of injection, and how fast would your body metabolize the filler material.
During the first few months after the injection, fillers will start to degrade, but the visible results will remain the same. However, you will notice a decrease in volume after a while. So, it could be really beneficial to have a few touches done, this can help you maintain the beautiful and fresh look of your fillers and keep the results for a longer time.
Are There Any Risks for Using Fillers?
Dermal fillers are considered to be safe, but you might experience some side effects such as:
● Skin rash.
● Itching.
● Pimple-like eruptions.
● Redness.
● Bruising or bleeding.
● Swelling.
● Undesirable appearance or overcorrection of wrinkles.
● Skin damage that causes a wound.
● Ability to feel the filler substance under the skin blindness or other vision problems.
● Death of skin cells caused by losing the blood flow to the area.
These are all normal side effects that should go away during the two weeks following the injection. However, there are some more serious side effects that you should consider such as:
● Severe swelling.
● Infection.
● Skin discoloration.
● Allergic reactions.
● Wounds caused by injecting into blood vessels.
● Lumps.
If you notice any of these symptoms you should check with your doctor to see if there is anything to worry about.
Questions to Ask My Doctor During the Consultation
There are many questions that you need to ask your dermatologist before you decide to go for fillers, these are some questions that will help you decide what’s best for you in order to get the best results.
Here are some questions that patients usually ask before getting fillers:
● What are my options?
● Are fillers the right solution for my case?
● Do I need to run some tests?
● If you have any chronic conditions, then you should check with your dermatologist if it is safe to do fillers.
● Is it safe to get fillers?
● How long would it take?
● What are the best types of fillers for me?
● How long would my fillers last?
● How much would it cost?
● What are the needed precautions?
● What happens during a dermal filler treatment?
● Can I use other treatments after doing fillers?
● What are your recommendations?
In other words, don’t hold back your concerns and aspirations. Try to ask your doctor as many questions as you need to feel comfortable about doing fillers.
Soft tissue fillers procedures might not be that hard to do, but there is still a lot to know about fillers, their types, needs, and effects. Dermal fillers can be done in a hospital or a clinic, but they must be done by a professional to give you the right results. After having dermal fillers you will notice a great result, your skin will look as young and fresh as a young twenty year old person.
In conclusion, injectable fillers are a soft material that gets injected into the layers of your skin to keep it looking young and fresh. Dermal fillers will be the right decision for you if done the right way, Especially that we tend to do a lot of things that harm our skin in one way or another. We all try to keep our fresh skin look and this is a great way to get your skin back to its natural beautiful and attractive look. Now there is no need to panic after you see your wrinkles, you have a great solution that would match you perfectly. It is time to get rid of your worst nightmares and to have your fresh skin look back.