Finally, It clicks, and I have hair.
Now, I can go out with glory as coppers lay their shiny beams on the world.
Who does not love to have hair and start the first steps in trust?
A woman, a man, all want thick hair. But what if we tell you about the numbers of those who suffer from hair loss? Will you be surprised?
Let’s see. Statistics show that about 35 million men and 21 million women get hair loss when they reach 35 years.
Many people do not know about the necessary procedures they need to prevent hair loss. They give up trying to get the steps demanded by their doctors. Now many treatments are available to avoid this issue, including surgical and non-surgical treatments like laser therapy.
What is hair loss?

Each hair that grows on your head matters for you, right?
Approximately bout 50 to 100 hairs are shed daily, and this affects the desired look. You may feel insecure and intrust to appear in public, but fortunately, there are a variety of hair loss treatments now. Hair loss happens because of many factors.
There is no cure for hair loss problems. Hopefully, surgeons provide many treatments for others, so you can have fertile hair as you wish.
It is better to counsel a specialist. He will offer you the needed treatment and help change your lifestyle and keep as healthy as possible.
What Are The Symptoms Of Loss Hair?
When you notice these symptoms, catch your time and visit the specialist to prevent them earlier. Many symptoms are your indicators to know that you have hair loss, but do not be afraid at this stage because you have many treatments over there.
Not all have the same symptoms, It is different from a patient to another. You may have to thin in the hairline, bald patches, or it may move to complete boldness.
Many factors lead to hair loss, and your specialist will identify the physical situation for you including,
1- Receding Hairline
2- Thinning at the front, center, or back of the scalp
3- Scattered patches of complete hair loss
4- Missing eyelashes or eyebrows
5- Loss of body hair
6- Scaly, red skin on the scalp
Now, you know the symptoms but what about the causes and diagnosis of hair loss?
Hair Loss Causes And Diagnoses:
If you know the causes, then you can reach hair pauses. It happens because of; age, heredity, hormonal changes, severe illness, thyroid disorder, autoimmune disorders, infections, medications, chemotherapy, burns, trauma, eating disorder, hair-pulling disorder (Trichotillomania), tight hairstyles, shock, and stress.
Let’s move to the diagnosis of hair loss. To diagnose your situation, the specialist needs to do a physical examination of your scalp. Also, he will take a complete history of your medical positions like family history, diet, hairstyles, and medications.
Your tests may include:
● Hair Analysis: It is essential to check your dietary deficiencies and chemical imbalances.
● Scalp Biopsy: The specialist will take a sample from your scalp skin to determine if there is an autoimmune disease or any infection.
● Blood Test: A blood sample will be taken to a lab so the specialist can identify if you have thyroid disease, hormonal imbalances, or any other diseases that cause other hair loss.
Discover The Treatments For Hair Loss Prevention; (Women)

Do not panic! It is hard for women to lose their hair, and many reasons result in hair loss problems.
It may happen because of genetic-female patterns, androgenetic alopecia, thyroid disease, aging, or other hormonal conditions.
When hair loss begins, visit your doctor, who will describe many treatments. They include rogaine, Aldactone, oral contraceptives, or iron supplements when you lose your hair because of anemia or menstrual cycles.
Discover The Treatments For Hair Loss Prevention; (men)

Hay, it is more common for men to get hair loss. A large percentage of men have hair loss issues when they reach 50.
For men, it may occur because of genetic-male patterns, androgenetic alopecia, aging, or low testosterone.
It also may differ considering the treatment your doctor may recommend for you.
What are the treatments?
They include rogaine, Propecia or Proscar, Follicular unit transplantation, Follicular unit extraction.
Many may wonder if there are any home remedies available to prevent and stop hair loss. Well, allow us to say yes, but we advise you to consult your doctor first.
We will mention multiple remedies from your home that will be beneficial in some cases.
Home Remedies For You To Forbid Hair Loss:
- Eat Healthily: Do you want healthy hair? Then, start eating some foods that will play a vital role in getting big hair. You can have minerals, proteins, fats, and specific vitamins. To fasten your hair growth add to your meals eggs, nuts, fish, and walnuts. All these foods contain protein, omega 3, and selenium that will enhance your hair length.
- Vitamin D: If you suffer from hair loss, then D deficiencies may be a reason. The first source of vitamin D is sun exposure. Also, it is available in food like fish, beef, cheese, egg yolks, mushrooms, milk, cereals, and juice.
- Oils: It may be an effective and supportive treatment to enhance hair growth. To get the best results and avert irritation, you can dilute essential oils with carrier ones. The most advised oils are rosemary, peppermint, lavender, and thyme oils.
Hair Myths:
No doubt there is a myth here and there about the growth of hair loss. Some people may mention the misuse of the shampoo, or you color it in the wrong way.
Others will tell that dandruff is a reason for hair loss.
Stress, head shaving, hair brushing, hats & wigs, and hair loss affect only intellectual women. As a result, these are only myths and storytelling without a scientific background.
We know how your hair is an essential part of your life. Whatever the reasons and treatments you need to take, consulting your doctors or dermatologists is better for you.
Sparkle and appear in front of people with complete confidence and an attractive hairstyle.